If you are thinking about your next lamb breeding season, you have come to the right place! Here at Viking Show Lambs and Genetics, you will find a premier selection of show lambs and sheep semen descended from real life, industry-leading pedigrees and champions! As commercial and registered sheep breeders, we use a highly-concentrated and systematic approach to ensure our flocks reach their full genetic potential. Our herds of rams, lambs, and ewes have been carefully selected and bred for superior genetics and performance based on longevity, milkability, mothering, soundness, records, and bloodlines.
King x Ben Franklin
King x Stormy($9500 Franklin Ewe – Woodshed x Woodshed)
Steel Banana x St. Elmo x Super Duty (Supercats Mom)
Bulldozer x Ficticious
Bred by Williams Show Lambs
Bulldozer just sired the Grand and Reserve at Houston, we couldn’t be more excited to get this Bulldozer son into our lineup.
Bullseye x Duck Dynasty x Young Jock
Bred by Williams Show Lambs
King x Big Stick Daughter
This exciting young sire is sired by King who is sired by Fortune(803 x Rainman). Prince’s mom is the $5600 Franklin ewe that is sired by Big Stick. Her triplet brothers were Grand @ IN & MI a couple years ago. This guy is an excellent combination of a round rib shape & a big square hip. He handles with a wide rack & a flat wide loin. The 2102 Franklin ewe that he is out of had been an absolute workhorse producer. She is also the mother of the Superstick that has worked so well for us.
Fortune x Stetzin x Superduty
This exciting young sire is sure to be one of the most popular new bucks on the scene for the 2018 breeding season. If you are looking for one that is big racked, moderate, great in his underline and rib, and still big-hipped, here’s one to check out. His first lambs are very exciting and we plan to use him heavily this breeding season. Call or email for semen needs and stop by to check him out at your convenience!
Shoot Yea x Tuff
Introducing Manchild, he is Shoot Yea x Tuff’s daughter. I purchased him from Tim Lamb and he has done an excellent job on his first lamb crop. He is moderate, hard, expressive, muscled from end to end, and shaggy legged. He has a big crease running down his top and his square edged loin might be one of his best traits. Some excellent feeders have lambs on feed out of him for this show season, so look for his name to be called this summer.
Steel Banana x Stetzin x Superduty
Introducing Aquarius… he is sired by Steel Banana and his mother is the great Stetzin x Superduty ewe, campaigned by Megan Winters in Ohio in 2014. She won every jackpot breeding ewe show that summer and is an even better brood ewe. This guy is the reason we sold Steel Banana and we are very excited about his potential. He is as complete as he looks in the picture, massive from end to end & still balances from the side.
Post x 318(White Rock) x White Rock
Comments made by Franklin Show Lambs: If hunting muscle, bone and wool in a tall fronted extra shapely athletic package, take a look. This yearling is large butted. His back is big with 2 sausages running down his top and he has big white legs. For a Hamp buck, his skin quality is off the charts good and his touch will remind you of sheep 10 years ago. We like his size for making wethers – not big, not small. His mother, bred by Alan Cover, is one of the best looking ewes I’ve ever seen. She is sired by 318, who sired the Reserve Grand at Houston in 2013, is a White Rock son. Grandma is a White Rock as well. Post just sired the Res Grand at Houston this spring and is a Trophy Hunter. We like the Trophy Hunter/White Rock combo here and think this buck can make winning sheep at the highest level.
Recently purchased from Franklin Show Lambs for $23,500.

Reserve Grand Champion
2017 Houston Livestock Show
Bred by Franklin Club Lambs
Sired by Post
Cool Banana x Real Steel x Mudcat x Stud Duck
Super Star x Big Stick
Dam is our $5600 Premier Bred Ewe Sale Purchase from 2014.
She’s a triplet sister to the 2012 Grands at Indiana & Michigan.
Scorpion x Bullet
Bred by Viking Lamb – This guy is big and square and has lots of bone and wool in his rack, giving him a great look from the side. His mother is Bullet, who is the daughter from Brian Johnson’s draft pick sale 2 years ago.
803 x Rainman x Miller the Driller
Formally known as Eagle Rock, he is the lead stud buck for 2016. This exciting yearling is the latest addition to our flock.
Stetzlin x Creole x Brittany (Miller 376)
Ben Franklin x Stetzin (Scorpion’s Mom)
Dirty Banana x Trigger
Lot 6 from Brian Johnson’s Online Stud Ram Sale – Viking Show Lambs and Genetics and Corner View Club Lambs present Cool Banana in a joint venture! This Lot 6 from Brian Johnson’s Online Stud Ram Sale is owned by Corner View Club Lambs, but did reside at Viking Show Lambs and Genetics from July 1- August 8, 2015. This exciting development was a limited, one-time opportunity for last year’s breeding season! Sired by Dirty Banana, this impressive buck lamb offers our customers the ability to continue to add to the Viking Show Lambs and Genetics exploding winners list! Call Terry at 812-871-5700 for details, today!
Salute x Stetzin x Creole x Spice Girl
We only got 10 lambs out of Salute, all in May, and this one is pretty special. We think he is one of the most complete buck lambs we raised in 2015, and we are especially intrigued by the way he is bred. This guy combines bone, foot size, rack, hip, structure, and wool into one complete and pre-potent package! We are currently breeding a set to him for April 2016 lambs and look forward to their potential.
Mud Cat x Super Duty
Super Cat is sired by Mud cat,and his mother is Super Duty x (the very successful) spice girl ewe who was sired by Miller 376. This guy is moderate, big, and square in his rack, and extra wide in his pin set. He carries tremendous expression to his stifle and stands on excellent bone. Perhaps the best characteristics of Super cat are the super round rib he carries and the look he gives you from the side. Some of the best ewe lambs we are keeping are sired by Super cat, and we are excited to use his best son, Superstar, as well.
True Blood x Classic/Cabaniss 69

Bred by Wheaton Hampshires – Stay tuned for information on the ET Lambs sired by Super Duty. Lambs will be out of, but not limited to, the dam of the 2007 Belt Buckle Grand Champion, and a daughter to the full sister to Rupp who was the High Seller at the 2008 Premier Bred Ewe Sale purchased by Elliott and Lambright.
Strange x Trunk 69
Super Duty Son
Johnson 56 x Stitzlein
Bullet x Trigger x Legacy
Moxi (Super duty Son) x Super duty Daughter
Registered Hampshire – Salute is sired by Moxie, the Super Duty son that sired the very popular, Champion Suffolk at the 2013 NAILE. His mother is Selena, one of the very best Super Duty daughters. This guy might be as complete as anything we have in the barn. He is excellent in his structure, including big and square in his rack, perfect in his loin, and big and wide in his pin set. As you can see in this picture, he is as shaggy and wooly as you can make one, and with plenty of bone. He should breed as predictable as any.
Trunk x Long John x Leo x Leo
TAG 2084
Creole X Super Duty’s Mom (Classic)
They don’t come much bigger-boned or shaggier-legged than this exciting yearling brother to Super Duty! He’s flawless in his loin and structure. He is a ram that will definitely make sheep more successful and daughters that will easily produce. He is owned with Kyle Shoufler of Greenfield, Indiana.
Trigger x Troy
We are proud to announce the acquisition of Johnson Club Lambs, Gladiator, for $22,000. We are offering a limited amount of semen packages on Gladiator. Contact Terry at 812-870-5700 for details!
White Rock x Trunk
Marcantel 43 x Scorcher Daughter
Bred by Ben and Bob Marcantel – We purchased Creole from Allen and Christy Johnson.Creole is sired by Marcantel 43, and out of a Scorcher daughter that came from Mike Stitzlein. We look forward to Creole siring lambs that are flat and wide in their hips and perfect in their rib shape. The Creole lambs are structurally correct with a great combination of muscle and balance, making them competitive at the highest levels. Creole daughters have also been very productive, producing some of the most competitive, highest-selling wethers over the last 3 years for Johnson Show Lambs. We anticipate Creole being the perfect complement to the exciting set of Super Duty and Horseshoe daughters we retained this year. We also look forward to his use, along with Super Duty and Horseshoe, on our flock of over 300 ewes. The wethers below are just a few of the many winners that are sired by Creole.
Reel Steel x Mudcat
Rumor x Masterpiece
Purchased from David Garrett in May of 2009 – We are retaining 35 daughters from the ’10 lamb crop, as well as 2 sons. His record speaks for himself and we know that he will be a valuable addition to anyone’s flock. Thanks to Tony Plank of Walton, IN for purchasing 1/2 interest in this proven stud buck!

1634 E 1000 N
Morristown, Indiana 46161