The Farm
Our family owned and operated farm is built on a 80-plus acre tract of land located in Morristown, Indiana, with a breeding flock of over 500 dams and sires. With over 45 acres of green pasture for our lambs to feed on, and professionally-crafted barns on-site, you can easily see that we are an expert sheep farming operation that truly cares about quality and value. Call us today at 812-871-5700 if you would like to learn more about our farm, our rates, and our cuts of lamb, today. In the meantime, check out the timeline below for a closer look at our family farm’s history!
"Leslie" is born.
We added 7 acres of land to the east and north of our original property, and built our first 40’ x 60’ pole barn.
We purchased an additional 40 acres of land to the east of the farm and built our main lambing barn on it.
Conner & Hunter Knudson are born!
We attended our first farmers market.
Purchased "Super Duty"
We purchased and added 5 and a half more acres of land to the north of the farm. The first of its kind, progressive genetics commercial sheep semen company formed. The cutting edge ram barn was constructed & Viking Genetics was created.
We purchased and added 5 and a half more acres of land to the north of the farm. We began doing business with the famous and historic St. Elmo's Restaurant.
We added several more barns to meet the demand of our sheep operation.
Business expanded and included shipping products to over 35 states across the country! The popular and successful "Steel Banana" ram was born.
Acquired the very popular and successful "Fuzz Ball" ram, used nationwide. "Steel Banana" sired the Reserve Grand Champion Lamb at the Ohio State Fair, Grand Champion Market Lamb at TN Youth Expo, and the Reserve Market Ewe at AkSarBen.
We celebrated Goose the Market's 10 year anniversary.
Continued to be the sole lamb purveyor for the ever expanding Cunningham Restaurant Group as they opened their 9th Bru Burger, Nesso (Italian restaurant), as well as other various restaurants.
"Prince" is born.

1634 E 1000 N
Morristown, Indiana 46161